Sweet Relief : $99 per month
A Program to release your INNER CRITIC and to gain more peace, calm and eliminate your anxiety. We will be discussing how diet and nutrition play a HUGE role in anxiety (think blood sugar, not enough quality protein and way too many processed foods friends!), we will also be learning the practice of mindfulness and guided meditation where I will walk you through your inner sanctuary to completely transform stress and anxiety into peace, calm and confidence. This course will CHANGE YOUR LIFE!
Neuro-Nutrient Therapy For the Holistic Professional $497
A specialized learning program where you, as the healing professional can learn all about the POWER of NEURO-NUTRIENTS, the powerhouse of mood balance to help the brain achieve optimum balance without ANTIDEPRESSANT MEDICATIONS. Without neuro-nutrient support, millions of people today are SUFFERING from needless depression and anxiety symptoms which are often debilitating.
You will learn about the 5 NEUROTRANSMITTERS; Serotonin, Endorphin, Norepinephrine, GABA, and blood sugar. You will also learn (as a bonus) how INFLAMMATION in the body and brain can cause DEPRESSION and what we can do to offer our clients full support through dietary changes and environmental changes (elminating toxins to the body by eliminating them in our food and home). The GUT-BRAIN connection will be explored and studies and research will be provided as you learn evidence-based interventions to help your clients with gut imbalances (a major leading cause of depression and anxiety today).
I will give you assessment tools, treatment plans to help your learning and demonstration of knowledge pertaining to actual case examples of how neuro-nutrients, co-factors, vitamins, fatty acids and probiotics are THE ANSWER to the underlying root cause of depression and anxiety. This course is for the helping and healing professional and individual mentoring sessions with instructor can be purchased.